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California Paintings
California Watercolors
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Alexandra Bradshaw
Art Riley
Arthur Beaumont
Arthur Lonergan
Barse Miller
Ben Carre
Ben Messick
Ben Norris
Bernard Garbutt
Blaire Field
Caesar Hernandez
Charles Payzant
Charles Surendorf
Crandall Norton
D. Alanson Spencer
Dan Lutz
David Klein
Dong Kingman
Dorothea Cooke (Gramatky)
Dorothy Sklar
Edward Reep
Elmer Plummer
Emil Kosa Jr.
Erle Loran
Frank J. Gavencky
Frederic Whitaker
George Gibson
George Post
Hardie Gramatky
Harold Gretzner
Harper Goff
Henry Doane
Horace S. Page
Hubert Buel
Hugh Duncan
Irv Wyner
Jade Fon
Jake Lee
James Fitzgerald
James Green
James Hollins Patrick
James March Phillips
Joseph Weisman
Ken Potter
Lee Blair
Leon Amyx
Louis Macouillard
Marion Wachtel
Mary Blair
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Nat Levy
Noel Quinn
Oscar Van Young
Othello Michetti
Paul Sample
Phil Dike
Phil Paradise
Ralph Hulett
Raymon Price
Reginald Johnson
Rex Brandt
Richmond Kelsey
Ritchie A. Benson
Robert Landry
Robert Perine
Robert Uecker
Roscoe Carver
Ruth Ortlieb
Sam Maloof
Standish Backus Jr.
Tom Craig
Tony Sheets
Vernon Nye
Watson Cross Jr.
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California Watercolor Art from the Early 20th Century Through Today
DAMNGORGEOUS, A Daughter's Memoir of Millard Owen Sheets
Hardie Gramatky, Painter (1907-1979) - A Retrospective View
California Style 1930s and 40s
The American Scene, 1930s to the 1960s - Regionalist Painters of California
VISIONS OF CALIFORNIA, The Story of California Scene Painting 1925 - 1950
Buena Vista, California Artists in Mexico, 1925 - 1975
California: The Urban Tempo
Phil Paradise Sketches
Maloof at 90: an American Woodworker
Hoofprints, The Horse in Art, Legend, & Action
Phil Paradise, Recent Paintings
This Exciting Land, Watercolors of the USA
BEAUTIFUL SIMPLICITY, Arts and Crafts Architecture in Southern California
Emil Kosa Jr. (1903-1968) A Retrospective Exhibition
DESIGNING WITH NATURE, Arts and Crafts Architecture in Northern California
GREENE & GREENE, The Art of Architecture