Original oil paintings by renowned California and American artists. Please contact the California Watercolor Gallery for more information on pricing, condition, framing, provenance, etc. Email: sales@californiawatercolor.com , Phone: 760.723.9270.
VIEW ALL: Artists
Art Riley
Emil Kosa Jr.
Frank J. Gavencky
Jack Laycox
Julius Rolshoven
Ken Goldman
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Oscar Galgiani
Oscar Van Young
Paul Blaine Henrie
Phil Dike
Raymond Cuevas
Richmond Kelsey
Steve Santmyer
VIEW ALL: Art Collections
1920s California Art
1930s California Art
1940s California Art
1950s California Art
1970s California Art
Beach and Coastal Art
California Landscape Art
Cityscape Art
Country and Farm Scene Art
Contemporary Artists
Desert Art
Disney Artists
Figurative Art
Figurative Scene Art
Industrial Scene Art
International Scene Art
Landscape Art
Maritime Art
Mexican Art
Western Art
VIEW ALL: Art Sizes
15" x 22" - 18" x 24"
19" x 25" - 22" x 30"
23" x 31" & Larger
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/ Collections / Original Oil Paintings