News / Rex Brandt
Jan 29, 2015
World of Watercolor Exhibit
YOU ARE INVITED TO WORLD OF WATERCOLOR at the Fallbrook Art Center. Opening night is Feb 7th from 5 - 7 p.m. Please join us! World of Watercolor, the 6th annual Signature American Watermedia Exhibition. Presenting works by Signature Members of U.S. watercolor/watermedia societies, juried by Stephen Quiller, AWS-DF, NWS. The exhibit also features a selection of watermedia by renowned 20th Century California artists.Presented in The Janice Griffiths Gallery and CafeOpening Reception:Saturday, Feb 7 | 5-7pmAdmission: $10Free to Premier & Friends Level MembersAddress:103 South Main StreetFallbrook, California 92028760.728.1414Open Daily:Feb 8 - Mar 22, 2015Mon-Sat 10am-4pm | Sun 12-3pmAdmission: $6Free to Members, Active Military, and visitors...
Nov 25, 2014
Rex Brandt - Watercolor Landscape (Video)
This video was recently released by the Newport Beach Public Library. The Library hosts a collection of Rex Brandt's watercolors. This documentary explores Brandt's artistic process. See more watercolors by renowned California artist Rex Brandt.
Jun 25, 2014
Rex Brandt: In Praise of Sunshine, at the Laguna Art Museum
Rex Brandt: In Praise of SunshineJune 29 - September 21, 2014, at the Laguna Art Museum LAGUNA BEACH, CA - Laguna Art Museum presents a retrospective exhibition of the paintings of California landscape artist Rex Brandt (1914-2000) in its main level galleries June 29 - September 21, 2014. The exhibition is curated by Laguna Art Museum's Curator of Historical Art Janet Blake. Rex Brandt gained national renown for his watercolor paintings during the period from the mid 1930s to the 1990s. As a dedicated teacher of the watercolor medium, he conducted painting workshops both at his home in Corona del Mar, his...