Frederic Whitaker, N.A. Biography
Frederic Whitaker, N.A. (1891-1980) Born: Providence, RI; Studied: Rhode Island School of Design; Member: National Academy of Design, American Water Color Society, Audobon Artists, Providence Watercolor Society, Royal Watercolor Sociaty (London). Frederic Whitaker grew up on the East Coast. In the 1920s and 1930s, he was a successful silversmith having worked for several well-known companies including Tiffany. In the 1940s, he began exhibiting watercolors. By the late 1950s, he was a nationally recognized watercolorist and a member of over thirty art organizations. He served as president of the American Watercolor Society, vice president of the National Academy of Design, and was "Mr. Watercolor". Whitaker wrote two books on watercolor painting, wrote eighty-five articles on art for magazines, and also contributed sections on watercolor painting to nine publications. He and his artist-wife Eileen, became California residents in the early 1960s.
Biographical information:
Interview with Eileen Monaghan Whitaker, 1985.
Biography courtesy of California Watercolors 1850-1970,
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California Watercolor