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International Scene Art
Fine art paintings of international scenes from around the world. Original artwork and fine art
prints for sale.
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Alex Ignatiev
Alvin Beller
Arthur Beaumont
Barbara Luebke Hill
Ben Messick
Ben Norris
Caesar Hernandez
Carolyn Lord
David Solomon
Dong Kingman
Dwight Strong
Edmond James Fitzgerald
Edward Reep
Eileen Monaghan Whitaker
Frank J. Gavencky
Frank LaLumia
Frederic Whitaker
George Gibson
George Post
Glen Knowles
Hardie Gramatky
Jake Lee
James Green
John Bohnenberger
Joseph Knowles
Joseph Raphael
Ken Goldman
Ken Potter
Lee Blair
Louis Hughes
Mel Shaw
Mildred Waters
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Othello Michetti
Phil Dike
Phil Paradise
Preston Blair
Ralph Hulett
Raymon Price
Rex Brandt
Richmond Kelsey
Robert E. Wood
Shuang Li
Sid Bingham
Steve Santmyer
Tom Hill
Tom Van Sant
Tony Sheets
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Original Watercolors
Original Oil Paintings
Giclee Watercolor Prints
Limited Edition Lithographs
Limited Edition Serigraphs
Stone Lithographs
California Art Books
Exhibition Catalogs
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14" x 21" & Smaller
15" x 22" - 18" x 24"
19" x 25" - 22" x 30"
23" x 31" & Larger
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Indian Poultry Man, c. 1940s
Millard Sheets
28.25 x 16 inches
Indian Madonna
Frank LaLumia
14.5 x 21.5 inches
Indian Laurel of Cobano, 1975
Milford Zornes
17.75 x 23.75 inches
Indian Boy, 1944
Milford Zornes
28.5 x 21.25 inches
India, 1944
Millard Sheets
27.5 x 15.75 inches
India Well with Water Buffalo, c. 1940s
Millard Sheets
19 x 25.25 inches
Hilltop Houses, Switzerland Oberlaps
Othello Michetti
21.25 x 27.75 inches
Haiti, Traders, 1954
Phil Paradise
8.5 x 11 inches
Haiti, Rhythm, 1954
Phil Paradise
11 x 8.5 inches
Haiti, Old Bus, 1954
Phil Paradise
8.5 x 11 inches
Haiti, Movers, 1954
Phil Paradise
8 x 11 inches
Haiti, Downtown, 1954
Phil Paradise
8.5 x 11 inches
Going to Market, 1943
Raymon Price
12 x 15 inches
Girl with Fish, c. 1940s
Millard Sheets
22.5 x 13.5 inches
Gateway to Tuscany
Glen Knowles
18 x 24 inches
Gardin en Colima
Milford Zornes
20 x 27.75 inches
Fraumunsterbrucke at Night, 2010
Ken Potter
22 x 30 inches
France Carnival, c. 1930s
Caesar Hernandez
18 x 23.75 inches
Forever Moving, India, 1980
Millard Sheets
29 x 40.5 inches
Flower Arrangers, 1972
Millard Sheets
22 x 30 inches
Fishing in Canada, 1949
Hardie Gramatky
12 x 18 inches
Field of Kunming, 1944
Milford Zornes
15 x 21 inches
Farm of Kunming, 1944
Milford Zornes
14.75 x 21 inches
Europe, 1997
Milford Zornes
13.75 x 19.5 inches
Europe, 1996
Milford Zornes
21.75 x 29.5 inches
Ducal Residence
Frederic Whitaker
21.5 x 24 inches
Dragon Bridge, Hangchow, 1989
Millard Sheets
10.5 x 14.5 inches
Dieppe Harbor, France, 1950
Ken Potter
18.75 x 23.25 inches
Court of the Oranges, Seville
George Post
14.75 x 17.5 inches
Clearing Weather, Guadeloupe
George Gibson
19.75 x 24.5 inches
Chamonix, France, c. 1970's
Millard Sheets
21.25 x 29.75 inches
Goat Ranch, c. 1970s
Millard Sheets
22 x 29.5 inches
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International Scene Art