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California Paintings
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Country and Farm Scene Art
Fine art paintings of rural country and farm scenes. Original artwork and fine art
prints for sale.
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Adolphine Sutro Fullerton
Alexander Nepote
Alexandra Bradshaw
Alfred Owles
Art Riley
Arthur Beaumont
Arthur Lonergan
Ben Norris
Bud Shackelford
Carolyn Lord
Charles Payzant
Claude Coats
Daniel Mendelowitz
Don Bester
Don David
Don O'Neill
Duval Eliot
Elmer Plummer
Elmer Stanhope
Emil Kosa Jr.
Frank Eber
Frank J. Gavencky
Frank LaLumia
Fred Sersen
Frederic Whitaker
Frederick Schwankovsky
George Gibson
George Post
Glen Knowles
Hardie Gramatky
Harold Gretzner
Harper Goff
Herb Ryman
Herbert L. Kornfeld
Hugh Duncan
Jake Lee
James Fitzgerald
James Green
James Guilford Swinnerton
James Hollins Patrick
James March Phillips
John Bohnenberger
John Coakley
John Norman Stewart
Joseph Emil Morhardt
Joseph Knowles
Joseph Raphael
Joseph Weisman
Ken Decker
Ken Goldman
Ken Potter
Lawrence Murphy
Lee Blair
Leon Amyx
Leonard Scheu
Lloyd Harting
Loren Barton
Louis Macouillard
Mabel Hutchinson
Marshall David Potter
Mary Blair
Maurice Logan
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Miri Weible
Nat Levy
Oscar Van Young
Paul Sample
Phil Dike
Phil Paradise
Preston Blair
Ralph Baker
Ralph Hulett
Ray Wilson
Rex Brandt
Richmond Kelsey
Rollin Pickford
Ruth Lotan
Shuang Li
Sid Bingham
Standish Backus Jr.
Steve Santmyer
Tom Craig
Tom Fong
Tom Van Sant
Vic de Beck
Virginia Tonetti
Watson Cross Jr.
Wayne La Com
William Frates
William Jekel
VIEW ALL: Art Mediums
Original Watercolors
Original Oil Paintings
Giclee Watercolor Prints
Limited Edition Prints
VIEW ALL: Art Sizes
14" x 21" & Smaller
15" x 22" - 18" x 24"
19" x 25" - 22" x 30"
23" x 31" & Larger
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Midway Morning, UT
Miri Weible
22 x 30 inches
Tahitian Farmers, 1968
Millard Sheets
22 x 30 inches
Snow Covered Hills, 1947
Standish Backus Jr.
Original Size -14.75 x 21.5 inches
Mustard in the Vineyard, 1983
Carolyn Lord
21.75 x 29.75 inches
Hose with Violets, 2020
Carolyn Lord
14.75 x 10.75 inches
Bee Boxes Under the Oaks, 2019
Carolyn Lord
11 x 15 inches
Tomato Cage, 1994
Carolyn Lord
29.5 x 22 inches
Summer Hay, 2001
Carolyn Lord
22 x 30 inches
Round Up
John Bohnenberger
21.5 x 29.5 inches
Farm Outside Bishop, CA
Steve Santmyer
21 x 29.5 inches
Coastal Ranch
Phil Paradise
12.75 x 20.75 inches
Rice Planting
Ralph Hulett
21.5 x 29 inches
Yosemite Meadows, 1946
Duval Eliot
10 x 13.75 inches
McGee Creek
Charles Payzant
11.25 x 15 inches
Indio, 1987
Ken Potter
22 x 30 inches
Penasco, NM, 1997
Ken Potter
22 x 30 inches
Dreaming of Emil, 2011
Carolyn Lord
14.75 x 11.25 inches
Autumnal Equinox Helitropes, 2017
Carolyn Lord
14.75 x 22 inches
Callas and Barrow, 2017
Carolyn Lord
15 x 22 inches
California Coastline
Charles Payzant
12 x 16 inches
Turkey Farm, 1947
Ralph Hulett
21 x 28.75 inches
Conestoga Bells, 1950
Hardie Gramatky
11.5 x 32 inches
Back of Campus, Cedar City, Utah
George Post
13.5 x 19.75 inches
Bilbo Baggins Home in NZ
Ken Goldman
8 x 11 inches
The White Horse
Steve Santmyer
20.75 x 28.5 inches
Farm Country
Tom Fong
21 x 28.75 inches
Old Natividad Store, 1940
Leon Amyx
Original Size 14 x 22 inches
Bill Leaches Barn, 1954
Leon Amyx
Original Size 18.5 x 23.25 inches
Tank House and Windmill, 1939
Leon Amyx
Original Size 14.75 x 21 inches
Abandoned Auto, c. 1950
Leon Amyx
Original Size 14.25 x 22.5 inches
Shocked Hay in Boranda, 1940
Leon Amyx
Original Size 14.25 x 22.5 inches
Old Wooden Bridge, c. 1930s
Leon Amyx
Original Size 14 x 22 inches
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Country and Farm Scene Art