Books and catalogs featuring 19th - 21st century American paintings by California artists. New literature will be added to the library on a regular basis. Celebrating the life and accomplishments of California art champion Mike Johnson.
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Alex Ignatiev
Alexander Nepote
Alexandra Bradshaw
Alfred Owles
Alvin Beller
Art Riley
Arthur Beaumont
Arthur Lonergan
Atsushi Kikuchi
Barse Miller
Ben Carre
Ben Messick
Ben Norris
Bernard Garbutt
Blaire Field
Bud Shackelford
Burr Singer
Caesar Hernandez
Charles Keck
Charles Payzant
Charles Surendorf
Claude Coats
Crandall Norton
D. Alanson Spencer
Dan Lutz
Daniel Mendelowitz
Darwin Duncan
Darwin Musselman
David Blower
David Klein
Don David
Don O'Neill
Donald Teague
Dong Kingman
Dorner T. Schueler
Dorothy Sklar
Edward Reep
Eileen Monaghan Whitaker
Elmer Bischoff
Elmer Plummer
Emil Kosa Jr.
Erle Loran
Floyd Hildebrand
Frank Ackerman
Frank J. Gavencky
Frank M. Hamilton
Fred Sersen
Frederic Whitaker
Frederick Penney
Frederick Schwankovsky
George Gibson
George Post
Gerald Collins Gleeson
Gordon Grant
Gunnar Widforss
Hardie Gramatky
Harold Gretzner
Helen Belfour
Helen Edell Sloan
Henry Doane
Herb Ryman
Horace S. Page
Hubert Buel
Hugh Duncan
Hugo Anton Fisher
Irv Wyner
J. Milford Ellison
Jack Laycox
Jade Fon
Jae Carmichael
Jake Lee
James Couper Wright
James Fitzgerald
James Green
James Hollins Patrick
James March Phillips
Jo Rebert
John Altoon
John Coakley
Joseph Emil Morhardt
Joseph Knowles
Joseph O'Malley
Joseph Weisman
Ken Decker
Ken Potter
Lawrence Murphy
Lee Blair
Leon Amyx
Leonard Scheu
Lois Green Cohen
Loren Barton
Louis Hughes
Louis Macouillard
Mabel Hutchinson
Marion Wachtel
Marshall David Potter
Mary Blair
Maurice Logan
Max Wieczorek
Mildred Wilkin
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Milton Gershgoren
Morris Shubin
N. Eric Oback
Nat Levy
Nicholas Brigante
Noel Quinn
Norman St. Clair
Oscar Van Young
Othello Michetti
Paul Julian
Paul Sample
Phil Dike
Phil Paradise
Preston Blair
Ralph Baker
Ralph Hulett
Ray Wilson
Raymon Price
Reginald Johnson
Rex Brandt
Richmond Kelsey
Ritchie A. Benson
Robert E. Wood
Robert Hiram Meltzer
Robert Landry
Robert Perine
Robert Uecker
Rollin Pickford
Roscoe Carver
Ruth Ortlieb
Standish Backus Jr.
Stanley Long
Stanley Wood
Thelma Speed Houston
Tom Craig
Vernon Nye
Virginia Tonetti
Watson Cross Jr.
Wayne La Com
Wilfrid Provan
Willard Cox
William Frates
William Jekel
William Ross Cameron
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California Art Books
Exhibition Catalogs
Exhibition Books
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