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Alexander Nepote
Barse Miller
Ben Messick
Carolyn Lord
Charles Payzant
Chris Oldham
Dan Lutz
David Solomon
Dong Kingman
Ed Kelly
Emil Kosa Jr.
Erle Loran
Frank LaLumia
George Post
Hardie Gramatky
Helen Edell Sloan
Jake Lee
James Hollins Patrick
John Bohnenberger
John Norman Stewart
Ken Potter
Lee Blair
Maurice Logan
Milford Zornes
Millard Sheets
Paul Sample
Phil Dike
Phil Paradise
Rex Brandt
Robert Uecker
Shuang Li
Standish Backus Jr.
Steve Santmyer
Tom Craig
Tony Sheets
Virginia Tonetti
Wayne La Com
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Agrigento Window, 1953
Ken Potter
18 x 15 inches
John Bohnenberger
21.5 x 29.5 inches
Alcatraz, 1949
Ken Potter
17 x 22.25 inches
Alcatraz, 1979
Ken Potter
22 x 30 inches
Aliso Beach, Laguna Beach
John Norman Stewart
20.5 x 28.25 inches
Aliso Creek, Laguna Beach
David Solomon
14 x 17.75 inches
Aliso Street, L.A., 1952
Jake Lee
14.75 x 22.25 inches
All Hallow's Bees
Carolyn Lord
15 x 11 inches
All Saints Church in Pasadena, CA
John Bohnenberger
21 x 27.5 inches
Almond Blossoms, Clayton, 1969
Ken Potter
18 x 24 inches
Almost Forgotten
Wayne La Com
18 x 24 inches
Along the Wall at Venice Beach
Robert Uecker
13.5 x 18.75 inches
Alpenglow, Yellowstone National Park
Frank LaLumia
14.5 x 21.5 inches
Alta Vista dal Labro, Italy, 1991
Carolyn Lord
22 x 15 inches
Alviso, Gingerbread, 1964
Rex Brandt
13.5 x 20.25 inches
Always a Railroad Town
Chris Oldham
18 x 28.5 inches
American Arts & Crafts from the Collection of Alexandra and Sidney Sheldon
American Scene Painting, California, 1930s and 1940s
Amusing the Ladies, 1939
James Hollins Patrick
10 x 14 inches
An Old Crossing, The New York EL, c. 1950s
Dong Kingman
21.75 x 29.5 inches
An Old-Fashioned Christmas, (Westport), 1940
Hardie Gramatky
9.75 x 15.25 inches
Anacapa Islands, CA
Ed Kelly
14.25 x 20.75 inches
Frank LaLumia
21.5 x 14.5 inches
Anchor Bay Moon
Tony Sheets
21.75 x 29.75 inches
Anchor Bay Point, 1975
Tony Sheets
21.5 x 29.5 inches
Andreas Canyon Trip, 1930
Hardie Gramatky
10.5 x 10.5 inches
Angel Overseeing Happy's Family, 1970
Hardie Gramatky
14 x 11.25 inches
Angels Camp
Virginia Tonetti
13.75 x 19.5 inches
Angels Flight, Los Angeles, c. 1950
Helen Edell Sloan
16.75 x 12.5 inches
Another Day at Crystal Cove
Steve Santmyer
14.5 x 21.75 inches
Another Nice Day
Shuang Li
16.25 x 23.75 inches
Answering the Door, c. 1930s
Hardie Gramatky
18.5 x 11 inches
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