Don O'Neill Biography
Don O'Neill (1924-2007) Born: Buffalo, NY; Studied: Catholic University of America, School of Architecture; Member: American Watercolor Society, West Coast Water Color Society. Don O'Neill Served in the United States Air Force flying B-24s during World War II. After the war, he went to college on the G.I. Bill. He studied to be an architect and as part of the curriculum, received instruction in watercolor painting. After founding his own architectural design business in Riverside, he produced watercolors as renderings for proposed projects. In his free time, he studied watercolor painting with Milford Zornes. After a few years of serious study, he decided to close his architectural business and paint fine art watercolors on a full time basis.
He first established a regional reputation for the watercolors he produced depicting local street scenes and landscape subjects. After opening an art gallery and exhibiting nationally, he received widespread notoriety. O'Neill paints exclusively with transparent watercolors and is known for producing works with bold pattern and powerful compositions. He has also taught watercolor workshops throughout California and operated an art gallery featuring shows of his work.
Biographical information:
Interview with Don O'Neill, 1995.
Biography courtesy of California Watercolors 1850-1970,
©2002 Hillcrest Press, Inc.
California Watercolor